Éditions Sarbacane, France 2017


Páginas de Ma Vie de Loup, edição Francesa de Selvagem

Labrador affectueux et curieux, Silver grandit à la ferme entre son maître et ses centaines de brebis dont il est le gardien. Rien ne vient jamais troubler la monotonie de son quotidien alors que Silver rêve d’aventure.

Qu’y a-t-il derrière les collines ? Vers où coule la rivière ? Quels animaux habitent la forêt ? Autant de questions sans réponses…

Une nuit, Silver rencontre un trio de loups affamés. Attiré par leur vie sans entrave, aussi alléchante que périlleuse, il décide de les suivre.

Au contact de la meute, Silver apprend la vie sauvage, ce qu’elle a de rude et d’exaltant à la fois. Il découvre l’amour, et les ravages de la civilisation des hommes qui réduit l’espace vital des animaux, menaçant jusqu’à leur existence.

Âge:Tout public

Pages:136 pages

Dimensions:19,7 × 26,9 cm


Temporama, UK

Temporama is a silent story inspired by noir films and magic realism. Published by Nobrow Press, London 2010.

Review from The Comics Journal (USA):

"(...)The narrative is almost entirely carried by moody, noir-ish color (...) It’s one of the more interesting depictions of night in the city that I’ve ever seen in comics form, as the Brazilian artist uses a midnight blue as his base color and juxtaposes it against the extremely harsh and bright yellow of a store and the bright reds and purples of a fireworks display.
Clayton Jr. makes that darkness work for him, keeping the story bouncing along à la Carl Barks despite the fact that he’s not using a standard line to keep the reader’s eye moving from panel to panel. (by Rob Clough)"

You can buy Temporama here

Brain Trippers, at

In « Brain Trippers » a small entourage of curious aliens are about to set foot on earth. Their objective? Find out what goes on with the peculiar, often eccentric dwellers of this blue-coloured planet. On their journey, they use highly advanced technology brought with them from their home light years away, and with it they will scale down to the intimate and delicate wiring of the human brain. Will they ultimately discover what makes these creatures function?

Based on Professor Michael Tanter's Fusimagine project, which is taking brain imaging to the next level, Brain Tripper is a collaboration between scientist and artist to bring advanced research to a brand new audience. Published during 10 months at the ERCOMICS website, is now complete and can be read here!


Prof. Mickael Tanter and I on his lab at Langevin Institue, Paris

Prof. Mickael Tanter and I on his lab at Langevin Institue, Paris

ERCOMICS is a project that has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Its objective is to explore the power of visual storytelling to innovate the way European science is communicated.



list of published comics (books and anthologies):

Selvagem, SESI-SP Editora, BRAZIL 2018 • Ma Vie de Loup, Editions Sarbacane, FRANCE 2017 • Postcard of Curitiba, graphic reportage on Internazionale magazine, ITALY 2012 • Ten Steps Until Nothing anthology, Teiera, ITALY 2011 • Nobrow 6: The Double, LONDON 2011 • Stripburger 54, SLOVENIA 2010 • Temporama, Nobrow Press, LONDON 2010 • A Graphic Cosmogony, Anthology, Nobrow Press, LONDON 2010 • Gunned Down anthology, Terra Major, USA 2004